Monday, August 25, 2008


Time and tide really waits for no man.

It's amazing how the little crow feets crept to my eyes silently. Same place but different time, evokes different sentiments. Same person but different feel, brings about another awareness. Damn...even my fav bed sheets colour have faded.

We can't turn back time. Never. Ever. But can we do the same things over again? Maybe with a different approach? Will it brings different results? Can we...? can we...? The questions are endless...

I wanna be young again. Not tat I am VERY old but maybe younger than 30. I wanna sing, write songs, even dance and do things I always love but never did. I can do them now. But it's juz not the same as when I do them at 20. Attained sensibility causes the death of youthful exuberance. When the current idols are younger than you, you know you have hit your expirey button. Sigh...

I haben seen the raw, eager and energetic face in the mirror for a long time. Guess I will never see it again. They call this a mid life crisis. I call this a sober awakening. Weak might be the body, but strong is the mind. I am still breathing. And I will.

I have to believe that figures are juz another number. In prehistoric days, when cavesmen still can't differ their ones from twos, the only way to judge your age is by the markings on your bodies. (The early days of tattoos!!) Subsequently, this have to stop because THERE IS ONLY SO MUCH U CAN MARK....(imagine how a 80 year old would look like). Well...i mean breasts and bums DO sag, but like the saying goes..."It's all in the mind baby!"

I can't turn back time. Then again, neither can GOD. The only difference is GOD still look the same as he ages. (Damn. that would be good enough)