Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Money - Root of Evil?

Can we survive without money?

Technically, we can't.

For the family, for the kids, for status, for bills, for food, for materialism, for indulgence, for the acquistion of cars, big houses, blings or even....more money!!

Those who have it, what are you doing with it?
Those who want it, how are you going about it?
Those who hate it, why are you complaining?

You want money...
so that you can fly everywhere for holidays anytime you want?
so that you can Buy anything expensive when you fancy?
so that you can taste nice, good and exotic food all the time?
so that you can Feel like somebody great?
so that you can feel Important?
So that you dun have to work?
so that you Feel powerful and think that there is nothing money can't solve?
so that you can Behave like an idiot?
so that you can buy fancy cars or harleys, go skiing, stay overseas for months and tell others how interesting your life have become?

Can money stop you from dying? Make people really love you? Have happiness? Contentment? Gives you health? Keep you occupied? Fulfilled?

You really believe MONEY solves everything?

For all that you are...upbringing, morals, values, beliefs, education, intelligence and you still think MONEY is everything?

Is that all you are worth?