Monday, February 23, 2009

2 months down.

It seemed only awhile ago when I was counting down 2008.

Maybe I pay more attention to Time now. 2 months are coming to an end juz like that. I haben really get started on my 2009's resolution. Everything is normal again (sometimes normality is good) is usual, love is good, mum is alrite, buddies are fine..hmm..finances are messy though.

I think I need to find more time for myself. I hope to end 2009 accomplishing my targets. At least 1 target. I've So many things I plan to do...better get kicking!! But first and foremost is to have better discipline over my expenditures. The debts are piling and I am very very bothered. Without better cashflow, everything will comes to a standstill. Sigh!! again!! The mother-fucker cause of all shits. I have to seek a life less money-influenced for sure.

I juz fucking wish the world's economy fucking crash and deem all money useless.


Thursday, February 19, 2009


Juz because they are our mums, doesn't mean it's a must to cook, wash and care for us.

Juz beacause they love us, doesn't mean they have to tolerate our nonsense all the time.

Juz because a fren owns a car, doesn't mean he must send or fetch you everytime.

Juz because you have a degree, doesn't prove you are smarter than one who dun.

Juz because you are rich, doesn't mean you treat others like shit.

Juz because you are better-looking, doesn't mean the world revolves around you.

Juz because you are broke, doesn't mean you start short-changing your frens.

Juz because you are paying, doesn't mean others have to suck up to you.

Juz because you are the boss, doesn't mean you are right everytime.

Juz because you are hardly wrong, doesn't mean you are always right.

Juz because you are temperamental, doesn't mean everyone have to empathetize you.

Juz because we think like this, doesn't mean everyone have to think like us.

Juz because you are successful, doesn't mean the rest are failures.

Juz because she dun loves you, doesn't mean you can't love another.

Juz because the your boss pays well, doesn't mean his company is good.

Juz because you have time, doesn't mean everyone have to entertain you.

Juz because it's her duty, doesn't mean she is at fault for everything gone wrong.

Juz because you are old, doesn't mean you can't behave, dress or think young.

Juz because you are moody, doesn't mean no one can feel happy.

Juz because of anything, doesn't mean everything have to be something.

Because everyone, everything is different.

Appreciate sometimes.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Money - Root of Evil?

Can we survive without money?

Technically, we can't.

For the family, for the kids, for status, for bills, for food, for materialism, for indulgence, for the acquistion of cars, big houses, blings or even....more money!!

Those who have it, what are you doing with it?
Those who want it, how are you going about it?
Those who hate it, why are you complaining?

You want money...
so that you can fly everywhere for holidays anytime you want?
so that you can Buy anything expensive when you fancy?
so that you can taste nice, good and exotic food all the time?
so that you can Feel like somebody great?
so that you can feel Important?
So that you dun have to work?
so that you Feel powerful and think that there is nothing money can't solve?
so that you can Behave like an idiot?
so that you can buy fancy cars or harleys, go skiing, stay overseas for months and tell others how interesting your life have become?

Can money stop you from dying? Make people really love you? Have happiness? Contentment? Gives you health? Keep you occupied? Fulfilled?

You really believe MONEY solves everything?

For all that you are...upbringing, morals, values, beliefs, education, intelligence and you still think MONEY is everything?

Is that all you are worth?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Rose Rose I love You.

Sincere Love & Respect, Courage & Passion
Send red roses to convey the message of your passionate love for that someone; saying "I love you"

Grace and Gentility, the rose of sweet thoughts.
Send deep pink roses to show your appreciation & gratitude; saying "Thank you" Send light pink roses to convey admiration and sympathy

In the Victorian times, yellow roses meant jealousy. But today, they signify friendship, joy, gladness and freedom, the promise of a new beginning.
Send yellow roses to brighten up someone's day; to congratulate your friends and loved ones during Joyous occasions.

Spiritual love & Purity, the rose of confession, the bridal rose; "You are heavenly", "I am worthy of you"
Commonly used as traditional bridal bouquet during weddings to symbolize a happy love. You can nevertheless use them to convey the message of "You are heavenly, I miss you"

Love at first sight and enchantment
Send lavender roses of course, to convey the message of your "love at first sight" with that special someone. You can nevertheless also send them if you would like to make a special impression.

Passionate desire, pure enthusiasm and fascination
An excellent choice for a new relationship that you wish to pursue further. It can nevertheless also be referring to a new business partnership.

Meaning of Number of Roses:

- 1 Rose
Love at the first sight; you are the one

- 2 Roses
Mutual love between both, deeply in love with one another

- 3 Roses
I love you

- 6 Roses
I wanna be yours

- 7 Roses
I'm infatuated with you

- 9 Roses
An Eternal love, together as long as we live

- 10 Roses
You are perfect

- 11 Roses
You are my treasured one; the one I love most in my life

- 12 Roses
Be my steady

- 13 Roses
Secret Admirer

- 15 Roses
I am truly sorry, please forgive me

- 20 Roses
Believe me, I am sincere towards you

- 21 Roses
I am devoted to you

- 24 Roses
Can't stop thinking about you, 24 hours everyday <---(DO U KNOW NOW, BEI?)

- 33 Roses
Saying "I love you" with great affection

- 36 Roses
I will remember our romantic moments

- 40 Roses
My love for you is genuine

- 50 Roses
Regretless love, this is

- 99 Roses
I will love you for as long as I live

- 100 Roses
Harmoniously together in a century; remaining devoted as couple till ripe-old age

- 101 Roses
You are my one and only love

- 108 Roses
Please marry me!

- 365 Roses
Can't stop thinking about you, each and everyday

- 999 Roses
Everlasting and Eternal love

Friday, February 13, 2009

Ramdom things abt Sam

There's these countless '25 ramdom thingy abt moi' going around Facebook and I am honoured to be one of the selected few tagged to their notes. I thought it's quite interesting and for those with no FB acc, here's mine.

1. I can shit alot of times per day. Seriously. At least 3 times.

2. I would love to do music for a living. Backroom stuffs like editing, composing, arranging and producing.

3. I would love to hear 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' or 'Rainbow Connection' during my funeral.

4. I think too much. But never do enough.

5. I do wish my family is together.

6. I can drink lots of coffee per day too. At least 3 cups.

7. I dun take duck rice. Or anything duck-related.

8. My 2 food cravings are Bak ku Teh and Satay.

9. I love drinking red wine alone. Esp at night.

10. I would choose happines over health or wealth. Anytime.

11. I am a born idealist, a reluctant realist.

12. I dun need a reason to love or hate someone.

13. I would love to sky-dive or bungee jump one day.

14. I know this is biased. But when you are the 'Aries' sign, I like u 60% already.

15. I love being challenged. Brings out the fighter in me. Dangerous.

16. It takes more than juz wake-up calls, 3 alarm clocks to wake me up. When I sleep, I am dead.

17. I dun like others telling me what to do. I am sensible to know and most of the time, I am rite. Still that doesn't mean I won't do wrong things cos I love being challenged. But I won't commit STUPID wrong actions.

18. I always 'appear invisible' on MSN

19. I like intellectual people. Not those who act smart or think they r smart.

20. I am friendly with all, comfortable with half of them, close to a handful, love only one. Family not included.

21. I dun wish to live too long. Max 75.

22. My fav nums are 4 and 7.

23. I hates stingy, calculative, scheming, selfish and self-centered fuckers. I smell them from a mile away and they will never ever hang around me. I know who you r and I am waiting to teach you a lesson if I can.

24. I dun believe in belonging to any religion but I do believe there is one GOD.

25. No one can force me to do anything against my wishes. And I am prepared to lose all when threatened. I will take u with me when that happen. Trust me.

26. I really believe Ms Veron Tan will be my wife-to-be.

27. I want to go on a trip with my mum within 3 years.

28. I would prefer daughters more than sons.

29. I wish I never pick up smoking.

30. I am a boy trapped in a man's body.

Till then.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Bloodly Curious Case

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Watch it not juz for Brad Pitt or Cate Blanchett. Please.

A remarkable movie which got me pondering. Many sobering scenes too. I think the director captured the essence beautifully and the scriptwriter is simply brillante. Of coz it helps that both leads are so pretty looking!

To live the life of Benjamin will be terrible. But maybe I might be less comdemning if I did...and maybe more appreciative. A funny thought came to me after the show.

'Can I call all of us terminally ill?'

Life is so fragile and Death is too sudden.

We dun need a doctor's diagnosis to determine we r stricken with an incurable illness before we start counting down our days. Wat make us different from a terminally ill patient? Yes he might only have 6 months to live...yes he is getting weaker by the day...yes he knows he is dying...

But dun we all count down to Death since the day we are born? We all die someday, and the only difference is tat we DUN KNOW when. Now...wat makes u so SUre that anyone of us will not be taken before the sick patient? In a moment, I might be taken by a speeding car, crushed by a fallen tree or maybe even choked to death on a bloody meatball!


So to know when u r dying is better OR to be taken suddenly is more comfortable for u?

This thought completely freaks me out. I dunno I have more time because I am still relatively 'young' now or I have not enough time cos I might juz die tom. Does it seems like we are all 'terminally ill' too? Worse thing is, we dun even know if we have 6 months...

This is serious case.

'For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.'

~ Benjamin Button

Friday, February 6, 2009

Do you love me?

How many times have couples asked, doubted or wondered...'Do you love me?'

I am one such person.

There is this constant need to reassure myself, that she is still loving me. As much as I know people change, as much as I know no amount of promises can make her stay when she decided to go one day...I juz need my daily dosage of verbal assurances.

How superficial are all these sweet nothings? How insecure are we?

To me, Love is and will always be a 'weird' phenomenon. Love has no explanations, no logic, no differences...Love bridged all races, religions and cultures. Love never tries too hard. Love comes when we least expect it, leaves when we ask too much from it. Love is never taking, always giving....sometimes happiness, sometimes sadness. Love isn't always fair, Love never tries to be right or do us wrong. Love never justifies.

Sometimes when we love someone, we get so engrossed that we forgot what is loving all about. We become selfish, self-centered, self-denial. We forgot what our partners want, we start to tag actions, words, expressions to justify Love.

Ask 'do I love u?' instead because that's all it matters. Whatever you do will be self-explanatory.

Count your blessings to have love and been loved before.

"If you do not love me I shall not be loved. If I do not love you I shall not love.