Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In retrospect.

I am relieved a knot has been undone.

Sometimes it's easier saying the truth than weaving a white lie which in my instance, backfired terribly. Luckily foolish me had a reprieve and thankfully wifey is magnanimous enough to pardon my stupidity. 

This is an episode I will learn from.

Many a times, we ponder and lay out the options before arriving at the eventual decision. Through different school of tots and self-justified reasoning, we choose wat we think is the best choice. But 'best' is subjective, and not necessarily acceptable to another. In deciding to apply, we have to be prepared for any consequential reprecussion. 

Having goodwill intent doesn't make a white lie whiter than a truth, even if the truth can be downright ugly or traumatic. 

Honesty is a viture, many said. But honesty requires courage, both from the confessor and recipient. It takes reasonable guts for one to say and the other to digest, all in faith tat the truth is for the bigger good. But sadly not many has tat capacity to embrace tat truth, for sometimes the truth is a challenge to principles, moral values and ethics. 

Tat's why some choose to lie, some choose lies. 

Wifey chose to be absolutely frank and upfront since day 1. I have never had such huge dosage of honesty thrusted upon me before. For all the emotional rollercoaster I went thru, Love ultimately won the day. 

With no pun intended, I honestly think she is one damn courageous woman. I could be loving a beautiful wife, living in the midst of beautiful lies, but she decided otherwise.

And she becomes more beautiful honestly, by being beautifully honest.