I will be away to KL for work from the 3rd to 15th Dec.
Sitting here right now, there are like countless stuffs which I wanna blog about, but to conclude them all...well, 'Life goes on...'
I am very happy Adrian is back, was a pleasant surprise when I got his call yesterday. Like wat Sebast said, it kinda made our day. 25 days must be long for him. I hoped all is better for him now.' Bro, it won't be the 'start of the nightmare' if you have belief and faith. It will not be easy but when is anything easy in the first place?'
Things are pretty much back on track again. Sometimes I wonder why bother so much in the first place? If it's meant to be, it will be. Human are weak, we are constantly at the mercy of our own emotions, judgements and principles. We are pawns on God's board. I kinda believe now all are pre-destined. But since we are 'here' now, make it a better journey home. It's not about the riches, success or legacy, it's more on self fulfilment. A half-filled glass of water is either half full or half empty. Make your own call.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Lonely December and the ending of 2008
Posted by Sam G at 4:51:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Renewed Faith
Faith did not desert me when it matters most.
Faith that this world will be a much beautiful place. Faith that my love will see me thru. Faith that Marc and Sebast will see their love thru. Faith that Nick will find his love. Faith that Donald will make ends meet. Faith that Adrian will emerged unscathed and stronger. Faith that my mum will love me as much as always. Faith that Yang will find his way. Faith that Syirah will live her dreams. Faith that everyone will have faith, for better or worse.
For Happiness, Love and Health,
Have Faith my dear mates *smile*
Posted by Sam G at 3:59:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
72 days Project
I will be embarking on a personal 72 days project.
I will be back.
Posted by Sam G at 2:41:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tracing back our past.
Looking thru our pictures always bring back sweet memories. Okay maybe not all are sweet!!
We were younger, simpler...lesser worries..dun care a heck about anything, eveything, nothing.
I would love to be young again!!
Posted by Sam G at 6:31:00 PM 0 comments
Battle Cry.
My first post in November.
Too many things have happened recently.
The 'temporary departure' of a close buddy.
The 'temporary departure' of my beloved.
Emotionally, I am beaten.
Another 2 months and I will see this good fren again. But I might not have 2 months with my beloved.
As hard as I tried to make things better, she said it's not the same as before.
And I only have myself to blame if I am going to lose her again for good.
I am saddened but not defeated.
She means too much to me to give up without a fight.
I will fight on.
Bless me.
Posted by Sam G at 1:07:00 AM 0 comments